Previously Broadcast Programs
Friday Forum 2012 Archive

Friday 7 pm
Friday Forum
Click below to listen online. (High speed connection recommended.)
1/6/12'Tis the season to be... nasty? 28:1012/22/11a
1/20/12Peace in the Streets 33:431/16/12b
1/27/12North Korea 52:041/9/12c
2/3/12The effects of iron mining on our health, environment and pocketbooks 27:301/12/12a
2/10/12Who Killed Che? How the CIA Got Away with Murder 31:212/7/12d
2/17/12Week of Action to Celebrate the Wisconsin Uprising 52:562/6/12c
2/24/12Guy Standing: The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class Pt 1 55:2111/8/11e
3/2/12Ilan Pappe: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, 1948-1967 46:0011/15/11e
3/9/12Redefining Black Power 21:252/29/12d
3/23/12World Oil Supply: Looming Crisis or New Abundance? 59:412/14/12f
3/30/12Ha-Joon Chang : 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism 33:083/9/12g
4/6/12MEDiC: UW's student-run free health clinic 27:243/22/12a
4/13/12Training Terrorists in Nevada: Seymour Hersh on U.S. Aid to Iranian Group Tied to Scientist Killings;
Shock Doctrine in Egypt: Sharif Abdel Kouddous on Post-Mubarak Economic Crisis, Presidential Race
4/20/12East side residents hold corporation accountable for polluting their neighborhood 26:584/12/12a
4/27/12Tim Farley: What's the Harm? (concluded)1:33:554/21/12h
5/4/12Food Sovereignty: Empowering communities and making nutritious food accessible 28:574/26/12a
5/11/12French and Greek elections, student strike in Quebec, book on Exxon Mobil 57:255/7/12d
5/18/12Homelessness and Occupy Madison 54:525/14/12c
5/25/12The war on women's health 29:005/10/12a
6/1/12Charles Ferguson: Predator Nation: Corporate Criminals, Political Corruption, and the Hijacking of America 34:565/29/12d
6/8/12War and recovery: Alternative treatments for PTSD 24:085/31/12a
6/15/12Linda Ketcham: Keep Them Out of Jail 30:176/11/12i
6/22/12John Atlas: Seeds of Change: The Story of ACORN, America's Most Controversial Anti-Poverty Community Group 28:566/11/12j
6/29/12Music for healing: Arthur Durkee 27:256/14/12a
7/6/12Richard Davis: The One Question to Ask About Race in Politics 30:017/2/12i
7/13/12Russell Mokhiber: The Affordable Care Act's mandate is ruled constitutional 27:276/28/12a
7/20/12Hugh Sinclair: Confessions of a Microfinance Heretic; Dennis Marker: Fifteen Steps to Corporate Feudalism 54:307/16/12c
7/27/12Alexander Cockburn: Editing Reality 56:357/23/12c
8/3/12John Ikerd: Beyond Sustainability 17:166/2/12f
8/10/12David Newby: Colombia: Where the 1% and Multi-nationals Rule With Impunity 57:432/25/12k
8/17/12Michael Cicchini: Tried and Convicted 32:148/3/12g
8/24/12Zach Wahls: My Two Moms 30:388/9/12g
8/31/12Robert Kraig, Matt Rothschild: Two views on the Affordable Care Act 28:508/9/12a
9/7/12Peter Dreier: The 100 Greatest Americans of the 20th Century - hosted by John Quinlan 51:379/3/12c
9/14/12Fighting Bob Fest 1:00:039/13/12m
9/21/12Paul Radspinner: Mixing Species and the Universal Influenza Vaccine (concluded)1:35:179/9/12l
9/28/12LGBT Outreach awardees - hosted by John Quinlan 53:109/10/12c
10/5/12Callen Harty, Jenna Pope: Broom Street comedy; OWS - hosted by John Quinlan 52:439/24/12c
10/12/12Frederick Clarkson: The role of the Christian right in the American elections and American politics 56:1110/5/12c
10/19/12Dean Loumos: Mental Health and the Homeless 21:156/9/11a
10/26/12A conversation with Miko Peled, an Israeli peace activist and author of The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine - hosted by John Quinlan 54:2310/22/12c
11/2/12Amitabh Pal, author of 'Islam' Means Peace - hosted by John Quinlan 55:1610/31/12c
11/9/12Mike Wagner: Elections, Democracy and the Media 53:5711/8/12c
11/16/12Greg Pahl: Power from the People: How to Organize, Finance, and Launch Local Energy Projects - hosted by John Quinlan 51:2811/12/12c
11/23/12Michele Bahl, Tsela Barr, Veena Brekke: Stories of Peacebuilding in Gaza and the West Bank - hosted by John Quinlan 54:3111/19/12c
11/30/12Chris Williams: Ecology and Socialism - hosted by Anjuli Brekke 52:4011/16/12c
12/7/12Deana Wright, Amy Barrilleaux, Dylan Brogan, Mike Dickman, Barbara Wright, Glen Gardner: The End of Local Talk and News on WTDY - hosted by John Quinlan 54:4112/3/12c
12/14/12Louise Somalski, John Hoadley, Kevin Gosztola: Split Show: Right to Work Legislation in Michigan and Bradley Manning Hearing - hosted by Esty Dinur 53:1912/7/12c
12/21/12Bonnie Block, David Soumis, Linda Ketcham: IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF OUR CHILDREN: Decisively Addressing the Scourges of Gun Violence and Drone Warfare - hosted by John Quinlan 53:4812/17/12c
12/28/12James Gustave Speth: America the Possible: Manifesto for a New Economy - hosted by John Quinlan 54:2012/10/12c

a From Health Writers on the Air, WORT-FM.
b Recorded by WIDE-LP at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, McKenna Blvd., Madison.
c From A Public Affair, WORT-FM.
d From Democracy Now!.
e Lecture from the audio archives of the Havens Center at UW-Madison.
f Audio from YouTube video of ontheearthproduction.
g Culture Shocks interview by Barry Lynn.
h Talk to Madison Skeptics.
i From Peggy Wireman's Alice in Political Land: Facts and Fantasy on WebTalk Radio.
j From Matt Rothschild's weekly Progressive Radio show.
k Talk sponsored by The Madison Institute.
l Talk to Madison Science Pub recorded by WIDE-LP.
m From Fighting Bob Radio.
Friday Forum 2008 - 2009 Archive
Friday Forum 2010 Archive
Friday Forum 2011 Archive