Broadcast Date |
Program Click below to listen online. |
Creation Date |
1/7/17 |
| | 1/5/17 | |
1/21/17 |
Finding Cures for the Next Pandemic?
| | 11/12/15 | |
1/28/17 |
Galen McKinley: Collapsing AMOC And Climate Change
| | 1/19/17 | |
2/4/17 |
Bruce Thomadsen, Akire Trestrail: UW-Madison Researchers Target Radiation Therapy
| | 2/2/17 | |
2/11/17 |
Tim Schmit: GOES-16 Weather Satellite
| | 2/9/17 | |
2/18/17 |
Justin Poublon: Storm Chasing In Wisconsin
| | 2/16/17 | |
2/25/17 |
Sanjay Limaye: Earth 2.0
| | 2/23/17 | |
3/4/17 |
Ken Potter, Greg Fries: The evolution of stormwater management in Madison
| | 3/2/17 | |
3/11/17 |
Bela Sandor: Applying Engineering Knowledge To Archaeology
| | 3/9/17 | |
3/18/17 |
Rhea Ewing: Science In Art
| | 3/16/17 | |
3/25/17 |
| | 3/23/17 | |
4/1/17 |
Laura Albert McLay: Mathematical reasoning
| | 3/30/17 | |
4/8/17 |
Current science news
| | 4/6/17 | |
4/15/17 |
Susan Carpenter: The rusty patched bumble bee
| | 4/13/17 | |
4/22/17 |
Curt Meine, Jennifer Kobylecky: Aldo Leopold's Legacy And His Relevance Today
| | 4/20/17 | |
4/29/17 |
David Owen: Where the water goes
| | 4/27/17 | |
5/6/17 |
The role of science in politics and society
| | 5/4/17 | |
5/13/17 |
Olivia Troy, Adrian Raine: What causes crime?
| | 5/11/17 | |
5/20/17 |
Walter Isaacson, C. Shawn Green: Albert Einstein And Genius
| | 5/18/17 | |
5/27/17 |
Julie Rehmeyer: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
| | 5/25/17 | |
6/3/17 |
Fabio Ferrarelli: Revisiting Brain Imaging And Schizophrenia
| | 6/1/17 | |
6/10/17 |
Jake Vander Zanden: Zebra mussels in Lake Mendota
| | 6/8/17 | |
6/17/17 |
Brian Cox: Questions about the universe from kids in Australia
| | 6/15/17 | |
6/24/17 |
Dr. Jonathan Martin: Climate Change And Paris
| | 6/22/17 | |
7/1/17 |
Chelsea Gunther: Karner Blue Butterfly And Recovery
| | 6/29/17 | |
7/8/17, 7/15/17 |
Stephen Carpenter: Blue-green algae blooms
| | 7/6/17 | |
7/22/17 |
Richard Keller, Matthew Lazzara: Climate change and its threats
| | 7/20/17 | |
7/29/17 |
Jake Vander Zanden: The current state of the Yarhara chain of lakes
| | 7/13/17 | |
8/12/17 |
Michael Vickerman: Madison Going 100% Renewable Energy?
| | 7/27/17 | |
8/19/17 |
Laura Strong, Heather Wentler, AJ Carr: Forward Fest 2017
| | 8/10/17 | |
8/26/17 |
Jim Lattis: All About The Solar Eclipse
| | 8/17/17 | |
9/2/17 |
Dr. Ann McKee, Traci Snedden: Concussions And Youth Athletes
| | 8/24/17 | |
9/9/17 |
Peter McIntyre: State Of The Great Lakes
| | 8/31/17 | |
9/16/17 |
Katherine Klausing, Michael Vickerman: Wisconsin Energy Broadcast 1
| | 9/7/17 | |
9/23/17 |
Dr. Ruth Berggren, Neil Grigg: How Hurricanes Damage Public Health And Healthcare Services
| | 9/14/17 | |
9/30/17 |
Dr. Christian Capitini: Advances In Immunotherapy
| | 9/21/17 | |
10/7/17 |
Samuel Thayer: Foraging And Wisconsin's Wild Edibles
| | 9/28/17 | |
10/14/17 |
Heather Allen, Nan Fey: Introducing The Wisconsin Energy Broadcast
| | 10/5/17 | |
10/21/17 |
Julian Guthrie: XPRIZE And Private Spaceflight
| | 10/12/17 | |
10/28/17 |
Derrick Herndon, Jeff Masters, Siddharth Narayan: Hurricanes and the Environment | | 10/19/17 | |
11/4/17 |
Tony Gitter, Pilar Ossorio: Big Data And The Wisconsin Science Festival | | 10/26/17 | |
11/11/17 |
Heather Allen, Nan Fey: Wisconsin Energy Broadcast 3 | | 11/2/17 | |
11/18/17 |
Kelly Maynard, Keith Warnke: Sustainability of Hunting | | 11/9/17 | |
11/25/17 |
Michael Samuel: Chronic Wasting Disease | | 11/16/17 | |
12/2/17 |
Tami Ryan: More On Chronic Wasting Disease | | 11/23/17 | |
12/9/17 |
Chris Williamson: Emerald Ash Borer | | 11/30/17 | |
12/16/17 |
Wisconsin Energy Broadcast: Guest Lauren Azar Discusses The Grid 2030 Report | | 12/7/17 | |
12/23/17 |
Brad Postle: Memories: What Are They? | | 12/14/17 | |
12/30/17 |
Brad Postle: Memories: The Brain And The Research | | 12/21/17 | |